Apple is ramping up R&D of its own AI chip, potentially marking the end of its decades-long rocky relationship with Nvidia. With its M1 debut, Apple pivoted away from Intel chips, and now it is targeting Nvidia’s dominance in the AI chip market, which holds up to a 95% share. Apple is reportedly developing an in-house AI server chip, codenamed “Baltra,” slated for a 2026 release and rumored to be produced by TSMC using advanced 3nm technology.

This move underscores Apple’s strategic shift toward silicon independence and follows a history of several disputes with Nvidia. For example, in 2008, Nvidia’s faulty chips caused widespread failures in Apple computers, pushing Apple to switch to AMD. In 2019, Apple stopped supporting Nvidia drivers in macOS Mojave, effectively cutting compatibility with modern Nvidia GPUs. These conflicts highlight why Apple has prioritized full control over its hardware ecosystem.

My Take

Apple’s pursuit of independence from Nvidia is emblematic of the industry trend: in-house AI chip development. The root of the conflict between Apple and Nvidia lies in a fundamental misalignment of priorities, with Apple prioritizing control and custom solutions while Nvidia focuses on standardized products, compounded by technical disputes, intellectual property clashes, and strained interpersonal dynamics.

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Credit: Apple Insider

This post was enhanced with AI assistance, thoroughly reviewed, edited, and reflects my own thoughts.